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What ‘too big to fail’ really means is that politicians of all stripes are so dependent on Big Money for constant electioneering, they will never pass any tough laws to rein in this vast casino. At every attempt, Big Money screams that they are being unfairly targeted and harassed. They would actually like a world where there was no regulation. Part of the solution is to remove the political incentive to turn a blind eye to what is going on. To do this we need to 1) stop electing the same kind of people we have always elected, and 2) start looking at the real truth of what is going on, rather than listen to the ‘truthiness’. Your column and many others expose the ugly underbelly of what is really happening, but Americans, more or less, refuse to see and deal with these facts. For some reason, they much prefer ideology, believing that the label ‘conservative’ or ‘liberal’ is the answer to the problem despite all evidence to the contrary. 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The descent rate depends upon the weight of the airplane, because it represents the safest, slowest possible speed that the plane can lose its thrust, stay on an angle, and maintain control. Pilots will know that they"ll need to land with a specific approach speed. Air Traffic Control will give them time to reduce their speed slowly; obviously, a plane can"t fly at 300 knots until two miles out and then suddenly hope to slow down to between 150 and 160 knots right at the runway threshold without something going wrong. Usually, planes step down their speeds and altitudes gently, and are given several miles to set up their approaches -- both the speed (the groundspeed, not the airspeed) and the angle (the glideslope). Generally, a plane"s approach speed is a relative constant. The airframe accounts for a set weight, but variations in fuel aboard, the passenger count, the tailwinds on the ground and even the temperature can push the number higher or lower. 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