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As some have pointed out there are results from computer science on coupling/cohesion and communication that apply. For example, distributed networks (i.e. with low coupling between the nodes) can be more resilient than centrally-controlled ones. How does that relate to your argument about loosely-connected communication/relationships ? (I think the answer will be revealed if you consider communication and control separately). Also some of your arguments seem to require a control mechanism (profit driven) for good behaviour – there are other ways of modelling behaviour that are very different. childlife vitamin c cijena So, in a Series A, for example, say that $10 million is invested. Assume that all other shares are common stock, which is a reasonable assumption. If that $10 million of Series A Preferred Stock is convertible into 20% of the total fully-diluted shares of common stock, someone will say that the post-money valuation is $50 million ($10 million divided by 20%). 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